Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Note To Tiger

I've got something to say to you, Tiger Woods: How could you?

While the rest of the sporting world is amazed at the feat you pulled off by winning the U.S. Open with a torn ACL and stress fractures in your leg last week, I am left to wonder what you were thinking. Doctors warned you not to risk further injury by playing, but you said you decided to play because playing is what you do.

That doesn't cut it with me, buddy. How about a little foresight here?

Prior to your arrival on the pro circuit in 1996, pro golf was what I turned on Saturday and Sunday afternoons when I was trying to catch a nap. Since then, pro golf has transformed from a lazy, sleepy spectator sport used to pass time into an exciting, dramatic event worth staying awake for.

You injected youth and enthusiasm into a game that was long past due for an overhaul. Your passion for the game has been contagious. Just look at the galleries that watch you play. Golf fans used to greet the winning golfer at the 18th green with what was little more than polite applause...the type you hear at a tennis match. But with you, galleries now explode with thunderous cheering, the kind you find at a football or basketball game.

I've become an involved golf fan because of you. Now you're trying to take that away from me.

I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery. I truly hope it won't be the end of your career. I hope it doesn't force you into becoming a lesser golfer. I hope to see you on the prowl again, but part of me is worried that among all the pro golfers on the tour, it will be your decision to ignore medical advice that will derail the Tiger Express and deprive us of watching you play.

As for the rest of you pro golfers, you all ought to be ashamed! Here was your chance to win a tournament that Tiger was playing in. He was hurting and on the ropes and not one of you could finish him off. Kudos to Rocco Mediate for taking The Tiger into extra innings, overtime, penalty kicks, or whatever you want to call it. But the rest of you ought to hang your heads in shame. Yeah, I'm talking especially to you, Phil, Ernie, Adam and Sergio.

Well, gentlemen, the field is ripe now. Tiger's out and won't be back until 2009. So win your tournaments and build your confidence. Just don't ruin the game while he's gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great points on the efforts of a man dedicated to his sport/ a fault. Was it a historical event which will be referred to for the ages? Probably will go down as one of the more memorable happenings in golf...if not sports. Yet, let us all hope it does not cost the athlete, nor the fans, of being part of history. It would be a very sad day indeed if the Tiger returns as a mere golfer amongst the pack instead of the dominant figure that he has been in resurrecting interest in golf for the masses. Let's hope the doctor's hands are guided well and that Tiger returns to the sport in top form...if not, it will be back to nap time once again to the accompaniment of golf tournaments on television.